Wednesday, December 14, 2016

live life.

       Losing someone is a life-changing, world-shaking reality. It isn't easy to lose people close to you and those are the times where we realize that we should never take things for granted. Just recently, a Delaware student had taken her life and it seemed like students all around the state came together in some sort of unity through social media. I'm guessing that no one really knew what the student was going through. Sometimes it's easier to hide the hurt and pain inside instead of sharing it with others. Sometimes it's easier to act like you're okay when really you aren't. I would know because at one point in my life, that's exactly how I felt. Too many people relied on me and I couldn't show my times of weakness. Although people act like everything's okay, for all you know they could be going through hell inside. It's easy to judge and make fun of people but it isn't easy to take back harsh and hateful words and actions against someone. One word can change someone's life and one action can alter someone's world. It's easier to live a life of positivity and kindness instead of living one full of hate and regret for actions that you can't take back.
      2016 has surely been a year of losses and it's easy to question why the man up above is taking kids that are so young. It's easy to question why the man up above would take away people who had some much more ahead of them. Life is too short to be wondering why things happen. Life is too short to live in pity and sadness. There are times for mourning but today is the day to live your life. Nothing is ever guaranteed and we can't expect to wake up every single morning just fine. Often times it's easy to take life for granted. We tell ourselves that we'll do things the next day. We tell ourselves it's okay to keep pushing our goals back because there's always another day ahead. Nothing in life is guaranteed so you have to live every day like it's the last one you'll ever have. Live life without regret.

"Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest"- Matthew 11:28

1 comment:

  1. I literally just had this conversation with my best friend about separate, unrelated tragedies. Life sure is short and fleeting, and I am appreciative of your post.
